Thursday, September 01, 2005

Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path (Psalm 119:105)

Been noticing in many cars on the road recently that they have this GPS electronic tool in their cars, very pretty, round in shape, mostly brightly lighted. Know they may be modified ones, but still, they look marvelous near/on the dashboard.

I've found that God's Word is my searchlight and compass, pointing me in the right direction and illuminating my steps. The bible is somewhat like a GPS signal, sending precise signals from somewhere high above the earth, showing me where I am and where I need to be. It can also be related to a PDA (which most people have now) by keeping track of our appointments and sets reminders etc. The bible is also my prayer book as I pray using God’s words written in it. The bible never fails to comfort me when I am not feeling so “up” too. Let's keep reading the bible ! There are more treasures and nuggets of truth inside awaiting us !


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