
People fight, people argue, people scream, then they ignore you ... why ? Cos they feel they are right thus should win or get what they feel should be theirs in the first place ? Hmm.. perhaps they are right (not the fighting or arguing portion definitely). Still, there is no need to shout or scream down the other party’s ears.
Just last Friday, I had a call from a factory supplier who was just practically screaming over the phone. And it wasn’t my fault really. Initially I tried to explain (of cos !) but he wouldn’t listen and was screaming his head off (even to the extent of shouting some vulgar words too) on the other end. Now that’s really bad. You wouldn’t want to be in my position. So, I gave up. Decided to let him say his piece till he’s satisfied then. Thank God he finally did (after about 15 mins I think). We hanged up. I discuss the issue with my supervisor and decided to send a mail to our product manager on the issues. Boy was I glad I need not work on Saturdays.
Back to work this week. We placed a new order with that same factory supplier. Know what ? He decided to “ignore” our order for 3 days. Yup, he did read our mails. Finally received a reply today after I sent him a 2nd chaser email to follow-up. 10 days. They needed 10 days before our order can be fulfilled. Fine. At least they replied. But talk about being petty. Work is work. Perhaps I was just being sensitive. That factory supplier is not petty, just TOO busy to reply to emails. Haha…
He's a nitwit.
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