Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Chouchou ? Ah.. favourite ou preferre..

p/s : can be used to describe both homme ou femme.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Famous quotes - 29 Jan 08

What's the hurry ?

I cannot be responsible for everyone's problems.

I don't know...

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Un rat pour le Nouvel An Chinois

Ma tante m'apprendre à faire un rat en utilisant angbao hier. L'intention de faire quelques pas à donner à mes patrons.

Maintenant, plus besoin d'acheter angbaos.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

L'anniversaire - Leçon

Un peu triste. Pourquoi ?

Découvert hier que j'ai leçon sur mon anniversaire.

Friday, January 18, 2008


Get on bus, you nbr 1.

On bus, u choose to sit on the outside of the 2 seats, why can't you move in to take the inner seat ? Most people are getting off at the train bus-stop anyway, so what's the difference ?

Okie, no seats available on bus. But can you pls move "INTO" the bus ? No one else can move in if you hog the area around the front of the bus or at the exits. Sigh.... Do we really need the bus driver to "scream" to remind us to move in so that others can get on the bus ? Well, maybe we do...

MRT trains. Let the passengers get off first before you board the train can ? If they cannot get out, you cannot get in too, you understand or not ?

Friday, January 04, 2008

03 Jan 08 - Level 2 French class commence

Level 2 started..

7 students from my class... 5 from another class.
Seems like my classmates are more vocal and ask more questions during class. In short, we make more "noise" compared to the other 5 students. The professeur this round is not our previous level 1 professeur though. But he seems ok. I couldn't really catch what he is speaking sometimes. Maybe am not used to it yet. Maybe haven't been hearing french for too long (2 weeks break... )

Gotto catch-up fast ! I don't want to be left behind !
Decided.. next lesson, sit in front (then pray that teacher won't call me.. hahahahaha)

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Blessed New Year 2008 !


Date set. Go...