Wednesday, June 21, 2006







Tuesday, June 20, 2006

如果觉得别人对你说的话带点儿“酸酸” 的感觉,是不是意味着你心里有“鬼”啊?要不然为何你会觉得“酸” 呢?

除非那人本来就是要“出口伤人” 的,那就另单别论吧。

Friday, June 16, 2006



Friday, June 09, 2006



Thursday, June 08, 2006


有些人就是奇怪。往往很早以前就安排好的饭局,他也答应会出席的,却在最后一分钟临阵脱逃,理由就说是不想去了。如果每个人都象他这样,那么的靠心情来决定赴约与否,那我真同情安排这个饭局的人。若换成是我,就不会邀那人去任何饭局或聚餐之类的活动,尤其是那些有“前科” 的人。因为我不想搞到最后大家你一个脸,我一个脸 (虽然当时我应该会忍着) 。



人若凡事都想开点儿,就会发现很多你觉得非常重要的事情,其实不需要计较那么多。人也会开朗些,幸福些。知足常乐,不就是这么简单吗 ?

A good challenge

What do you do when you face a challenge ?
Do you sit down and cry ?
Or do you stand up and say, "I must try" ?

A good challenge presents new opportunities - opportunities to learn, to grow, to gain strength, or to reach a higher goal. I know He has a plan for my life and that His plan is for me to succeed in becoming the person He wants me to be. Let's focus on Daddy God's goodness for us !

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

I wanna be a tough-ie

Tough people don’t last, but tough men (and women) do. I wanna be a tough-ie.

Not of my own strength but simply because I have a Daddy God with me all the way.

Ganbatte !

Tuesday, June 06, 2006




Friday, June 02, 2006

10km Marathon Run - December'06

Do you ever get down or even considered getting down one bus-stop earlier from your normal bus-stop on your way home ?

Do you ever decide in the morning not to pack your bed when you get out of it (despite knowing you are “risking” a scolding from your mum)?

Do you try something new (food) even though you frequent the same coffeeshop each time ? Or will you stick to that stall which you feel serves the best food ?

Do you think of doing things differently each time ? Or will you follow the “proven” record based on past experiences ?

Remembered Pastor once said, we are creatures by habit. For example, when we attend church services, we tend to sit in the same seat or around the same area. Why ? Out of habit ? Out of convenience ? Or based on our past experiences, that seat's viewing angle is the most comfortable ? Perhaps.

But do you ever think of changing seats for a different view or trying out something new in your life ? Especially something which you think you can never do it ? Sometimes we just think we can never do it, so we don’t even bother to try. But what if we try ? Maybe we can ? How do we know if we do not try ? Dilemma...

My colleagues are “phycho-ing” me to try out the 10km Standard Chartered bank Marathon Run in December’06. Should I pose this challenge to myself ?

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Something dropped..

Something dropped into my heart as I walked down the escalator at my office building this morning.

I am who I am NOT because of who I am, what I have done or will do, but simply because of who my Daddy God is. As He is in heaven, so am I !

Simple truth, but that took a long time before it dropped from my brain to my heart.

Well, at least it did eventually.

Praise Him.