Tuesday, August 30, 2005

He loves me ...

I have loved you with an everlasting love;
therefore, with loving-kindness have I drawn you.
Jeremiah 31:3

Oh what a confession I have. He loves me with an everlasting love. Thank you Daddy God.

Play vs Old

We do NOT stop playing because we grow old;
We grow OLD because we stop playing !
Let's keep playing !

Monday, August 29, 2005

How To Deal With Rude & Difficult Customers

Indeed, an award should go to the Virgin Airlines gate attendant in Sydney some months ago for being customer focused, while making her point, when confronted with a passenger who probably deserved to fly as cargo.

A crowded Virgin flight was cancelled after Virgin's 767s had been withdrawn from service. A single attendant was re-booking a long line of inconvenienced travellers.

Suddenly an angry passenger pushed his way to the desk. He slapped his ticket down on the counter and said, I HAVE to be on this flight and it HAS to be NOW".

The attendant replied, "I'm sorry sir. I'll be happy to try to help you, but I've got to help these people first, and I'm sure we'll be able to work something out."

The passenger was unimpressed. He asked loudly, so that the passengers behind him could hear, "DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHO I AM?"

Without hesitating, the attendant smiled and grabbed her public address microphone: “May I have your attention please, may I have your attention please," she began - her voice heard clearly throughout the terminal. We have a passenger here at Gate 14 WHO DOES NOT KNOW WHO HE IS. If anyone can help him find his identity, please come to Gate 14."

With the folks behind him in line laughing hysterically, the man glared at the Virgin attendant, gritted his teeth and said, "F...k You!"

Without flinching, she smiled and said, "I'm sorry, sir, but you'll have to get in line for that too."

Friday, August 26, 2005


Killing and Accurate Battle Entity

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Tattooed on the palms of His hands

"Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you! See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are ever before me." Isaiah 49:15-16 NIV

As devoted as we are to those we love, we fail sometimes. Mothers may forget to watch their children, siblings forget to hold their little brothers' or sisters’ hands while they cross a street, and husbands are more interested in the sports program on TV instead of listenting to what their wives have to say.

So glad that, although we humans may sometimes forget, God has promised that He will never forget us. Our names are tattooed (engraved) on the palms of His hands. His thoughts toward us are greater than the grains of sand on any beach on this earth.

Because He cares so much for us, we can freely trust Him with all our cares and concerns. Thank you Daddy for your constant love for me.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

As always, a timely reminder

When Daddy God blesses, there are always leftovers, cos He does not know what is enough, that word (ie. enough) is not even in his dictionary ! Our Daddy God will not short-change you...

I can’t believe I said that to my cousin this morning as I was chatting with her via msn on some issues. Thank you Daddy for your timely reminder. You will not short-change me.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Worry or Trust

Human's way is to worry
But God's way is to trust
You choose...
or Trust

Sunday, August 21, 2005


幸福在哪里?有没有常问自己这个问题 ?有没有常觉得别人比自己幸福,比自己快乐?



Saturday, August 20, 2005

His love for us remains constant


That was a line from a vcd show which I watched recently.
Am touched by the emotions emitted.

Reminded me of our Daddy God’s love for us. No matter what happens (or happened), no matter what we do (or did), no matter how we feel (or felt), His love for us does not change.
We may not know what is going to happen in the next second, minute or hour,
but one thing is sure,
Daddy’s love for us remains constant.
Thank you Daddy God.

Friday, August 19, 2005

Praise God !

God is so faithful ! My sis passed her driving this morning ! I'm so excited. Her test time was 8.25am. Wow ! According to my sis, during the morning circuit round before she had her test, she made so many mistakes that she was a little disappointed.

She msg me and told me, if she pass today, it's definitely God, not her. We reminded each other that our Daddy God is faithful and His Favour will be poured upon her super abundantly, amen ! I couldn't physically do anything for her, all i could do was pray in tongues, for Daddy God to make all things work out for my sis. And yes, He did ! He is faithful indeed !

Was so happy when i received the news that i cried ! Finally we have somebody in my family with a car licence (besides my dad of cos !) , we are closer to our dream of having a family car

My turn, my turn's coming ! Soon, next month ! I claim my licence in Jesus's name !

Thursday, August 18, 2005




我应该感到兴奋或安心对吧,因甲驾车的技术那么一级棒,但你相信吗,在那整个回家的路程上,我其实是一直暗暗的祷告着的。因为甲一路上都以只少80哩的时速在奔驰着,有些时候甚至达到140哩的时速。大马路还可接受,但小路的话,总该放慢点儿速度,不是吗?又或者如果路上的车子不多,那还没什么,顶多被交警抓到或闭录照相机拍到 (其实那也已经很糟糕了)。但那天晚上的车子真的挺多的,实在不该开的太快。


麻烦你了,甲,以后你驾车(就为了你自己好了)开慢点儿 ok ?

Tuesday, August 16, 2005


那天朋友问了我一个问题,“告诉我你的初恋啊。” 我笑了。其实也不算是初恋吧,我想应该称为“一段美好的,却因年少不知而没有得到好好发展的友谊”。相当深懊吧,我好像也不太懂。哈!




“什么怎么了?” 我回答他。


“我。。。我。。。” 我吞吞吐吐的,心跳变得急速。。“该怎么说呢?我跟你在一起是很舒服啦, 可是我只是把你当作我的弟弟啊。”


那时的他心碎了吗?我不知道,但我记得那天晚上,我失眠了。或许我们之间已经“发展” 了某一程度的感情和互相的依赖而我却没有发现。又或许我那时已经喜欢上他了,却不知道。果真如此,我也有够笨吧?


Memorable Photo

I like this pic. It was taken many years back. Many good memories. But definitely more to come !

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Get off your butts, do something !

I believe that almost everyone can do whatever they set out to do if they have confidence that they can. And I believe that confidence is both a choice and a gift. If you didn't receive the gift, then you can make the choice. And when you make the choice, you receive the gift.

We choose to be confident. We choose to believe in ourselves and in our goals. Don't let your dreams die from lack of confidence. Don't let others transfer their fears to you. You'll never learn everything you need to know until you start doing. At some point, you have to stop thinking, stop talking, stop weighing the arguments and counting the costs, and simply launch out.

I believe God made us to venture out rather than to stand on shore. He has given each of us the capacity to have confidence. But we have to nurture that confidence by taking action. By acting we learn all that we are capable of doing. People who try are typically surprised by what they can achieve. So, whatever your boat in life, get in and start sailing.

Read the above passage just now and it reminded me of some of my dreams. Dreams of driving a car and using it to fetch my parents, to go out with my friends, to send my friends home, to bring my family out for dinners etc. Dreams of playing the piano on my own with both hands, dreams of having a blessed family of my own, a husband who loves me, lovely children around me etc.

Dreams can only be realized if we take the first step out. Sitting here and literally thinking or dreaming about it is not going to make things happen. We need to get off our butts and do it !

What are your dreams ? And what are you doing about them ?

Thursday, August 11, 2005


眼中的她是天真无邪,性格开朗,拥有好多知心朋友的好女孩儿。虽然偶尔有点儿多愁善感,有点儿固执 (我们何常不也是这样吗?),但我觉得她是勇敢的。勇敢的去追求自己的梦想,尽她所能的实现它,勇敢的踏出那一步。感谢上帝赐给了她一对非常爱她和支持她的父母。那才是真的福气。



切记常联络噢 ! (msn/emails)

p/s : This mail is dedicated to a special friend ... a special sister ... Alwaysane, we will miss you. Keep in touch !

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Why did the other drivers sound their horn ?

6.30am. Silence. Crisp air.

They got ready to leave the house quietly so as not to disturb their 2 daughters who are still in slumber-land. He turned on the engine of his motorbike and off they go towards Bukit Timah where his wife starts work at 7am.

As it was still early, there were very few cars along the way. It was a little cold as the wind blew unto their faces, but definitely bearable. Suddenly, a driver sounded his horn. Then another driver sounded their horn too and a couple of other cars too.

Soon they reached the wife’s office. The wife alighted and the husband rode home to wake up their 2 daughters and get them ready for school.

Question : Why were the other drivers horning ? Were they horning at them ? They were not blocking the other cars or road hogging. What happened ? Make a guess.

p/s : This is a real-life story and not one of those “qian-bian wen da ti”.



老实说,我有时真的有点儿害怕。害怕我的所谓,“与事无争” 的性格,会被这个似乎每天都要一直“快,快” 的社会而变的脱结。何来“与事无争” 的性格 ? 就好比如果我看到巴士已经满了,通常我是不会上车的。等下一辆吧,那就是早出门的好处。又或者是我喜欢搭巴士胜于地铁。巴士慢慢的开着,让我有时间想想事情,也让我可以多看看路旁的花花草草及人生百态。




Wednesday, August 03, 2005


Regis: "Barbara, you've done very well so far - $500,000 and one lifeline left -- phone a friend. The next question will give you the top prize of One Million dollars if you get it right ... but if you get it wrong you will drop back to $32,000 -- are you ready?"

Barbara: "Sure, I'll have a go!"

Regis: "Which of the following birds does not build it's own nest? Is it........
Remember Barbara its worth 1 Million dollars."

Barbara: "I think I know who it..but I'm not 100%... No, I haven't got a clue. I'd like to phone a friend Regis, just to be sure.

Regis: "Yes, who, Barbara, do you want to phone?"

Barbara: "I'll phone my friend Maggie back home in Birmingham."


Maggie (also a blonde): "Hello..."

Regis: "Hello Maggie, its Regis here from Who Wants to be a Millionaire-I have Barbara here and she is doing really well on $500,000, but needs your help to be a Million. The next voice you hear will be Barbara's and she'll read you the question. There are 4 possible answers and 1 correct answer and you have 30 seconds to answer -- fire away Barbara."

Barbara: "Maggie, which of the following birds does not build it's own nest? Is it:
A-Robin, B-Sparrow, C-Cuckoo, D-Thrush"

Maggie: "Oh Gees, Barbara that's simple.....It's a Cuckoo."

Barbara: "You think?"

Maggie: "I'm sure."

Barbara: " Thanks Maggie."

(hangs up)

Regis: "Well, do you want to stick on $500,000 or play on for the Million, Barbara?"

Barbara: "I want to play, I'll go with C-Cuckoo"

Regis: "Is that your final answer?"

Barbara: "It is."

Regis: "Are you confident?"

Barbara: "Yes fairly, Maggie's a sound bet."

Regis: "Barbara.....you had $500,000 and you said C-Cuckoo ...you're right! - You have just won ONE MILLION DOLLARS. Here is your check. You have been a great contestant and a real gambler. Audience please put your hands together for Barbara."


That night Barbara calls round to Maggie and brings her down to a local bar for a celebration drink and, as they are sipping their Champagne, Barbara turns to Maggie and asks "Tell me Maggie, How in God's name did you know that it was the Cuckoo that does not build its own nest?

Maggie: "Listen Barbara, everybody knows that a Cuckoo lives in a clock."

*Received this joke from a friend... enjoy and relax... weekend is coming ! :) *

Monday, August 01, 2005

Good & Sad news

“Quick, congratulate me !” That was the statement of today for me.

Why ? Cos I joined my present company exactly 5 years ago. Wow, time really flies yar ? Nope, not lamenting of the past. But definitely looking forward to better times ahead !

Hmm.. however, early this morning, I heard some bad news from a colleague. It is not officially announced yet but seems quite confirmed.

Some of my finance colleagues might be retrenched end of this month or maybe next month. This decision came after the discussion last Friday among the heads of departments. It is never a good feeling to see anyone leave, especially when we had gotten close to one another over the many years together. I believe the older colleagues will be glad to move on as they will be paid very well in terms of retrenchments benefits. Over here in my company, for every 1 year of service, you get 1 month of retrenchment salary (cap is 25 months), so if you work 15 years, you will receive 15 months worth of retrenchment salary based on your current salary package. That could really come up with a hefty sum and would definitely be able to sustain them for a while till they find themselves another job.

Not sure if our department will be affected as we have not received any news (even through the “unofficial way”). Nonetheless, whatever happens, I know I am secured in my Daddy’s hands and all things will end up well.

He's a Christian too !

Had a long chat with my gym instructor after my workout yesterday. Realised that he is also a Christian too and even used to attend New Creation Church (NCC) ! However, due to the nature of his work now, he either has to work on Sundays or if not, he admitted that he is just plain lazy. Basically he is more put off by the long queues. Suggested for him to go to the overflow rooms but he prefers the main auditorium like most of us, or he could get a few friends to queue together so it will not be so boring.

Very happy to find a fellow Christian brother at my work place. Some more, he is the gym instructor ! Oops, does that mean now I have no excuse not to do my exercises properly as he will be “watching” me !!?? Hahaha… Nah, he is a nice guy and he does not “force” people. Anyway, I am responsible to do all those exercises he mapped out for me and watch my diet. The gym instructor can do that much, the rest is up to me. BUT of cos, divine health still comes from our Daddy God ! Amen.