Wednesday, March 23, 2005

When we let go, Jesus take control

Had a dinner gathering with 2 of my ex-church mates last night. Plenty of catching up on each other’s lives and sharing of God’s testimonies on our lives. It was indeed a good session. Looking forward to more of such sessions !

Hmm… one of my friends shared of an incident that happened to another friend (let’s call her B). It’s regarding B’s son. It happened a few years back, probably when B’s son was around 5 years old. B’s son, since young, had rather poor eating habits. This is not healthy for a growing child as we all know. Every meal time is a struggle and fight between B and her son. One day, B got so angry and upset that she told her son that she is not going to care whether he finishes his food or not, but she will go and run her errands. When B stepped out of her house, she stood at the corridor and cried to God (yes, she is a Christian). She told God that she cannot do it, and she’s going to rest and pass this whole thing to God to handle. Then she proceeded with her errands.

When B came home later, she was surprised to see that her son’s plate was clean. Initially she thought her son had thrown away all the food. So she asked her son, but her son said, “Mum, I finished all the food, I didn’t throw them away.” B was astonished cos knowing her son’s eating habits, this will definitely have to be a miracle ! So she asked her son, “Why did you suddenly decide to finish all your food ?” Her son replied, “Mum, if I tell you, you will surely laugh at me…” After B promised not to laugh at her son’s explanations, her son began to tell her what happened.

B’s son told her that he saw Jesus. Jesus appeared with 2 other angels. B further asked her son what did Jesus say and how Jesus looked like. B’s son said, Jesus said “Surprise !” and told him to be a good boy, to finish up his food and listen to his mum. He further went on to tell B the way Jesus looked like, bight white light surrounding Jesus, the white linen clothes that Jesus wore , the golden girdle around His waist etc which all corresponded with what the bible says. For a 5 year old to describe all that when he hasn’t even fully understand the bible at that moment was indeed a miracle, Jesus really did appear to him ! From then on, B no longer had a problem on eating with her son anymore, praise God !

Jesus loves little children and He sure has His own little ways of appearing to children.. such as B’s son above, He actually said, “Surprise !” … What is your perception of God ? How do you think Jesus looks like ? Stern face, fiery eyes, whip in a hand always ready to pounce on us when we make mistakes or are disobedient (sounds like school discipline master hor ?). Or a smiley face, kind looking eyes filled with love, arms open wide extended to us, always welcoming us back to His bosom, someone who laughs with us when we are happy, who sits besides us and comforts us when are upset. That I believe is our Jesus. The same Jesus who could have simply just abandon us and leave us to die in our sins by not going to the cross. But because of His great love for us, He chose to be crucified for our sakes.

Such as the above incident, to think that Jesus actually “bothered” (He REALLY REALLY bothers !) to attend to such matters PERSONALLY despite we humanly thinking that this kind of matters are too small to turn to Him for help. I think we are losing out. Jesus bothers, whether big or small matters. To Jesus, I believe all matters are small cos He has already foreseen them and have a solution before those matters actually happen. It’s our own human thinking that is actually pulling us back from the many blessings that God wants to shower upon us, upon our lives.

We tend to put God in small little boxes (according to our thinking) and limit what He can actually do for us. We think something is not possible, so we do not ask God for it. Or even when we do, we ask with a doubtful/unbelief heart. In actual fact, we are still holding the matter tightly in our hands. We all must learn, (I’m speaking to & for myself too), to learn to let go and let God. Not to depend on our own efforts but rather cast all our cares upon Him and believe that ALL THINGS are POSSIBLE in God ! Jesus does bother cos He loves us all… have we fully understand the extend of His love for us ? Ask Him, tell Him... come to Him with boldness, Jesus loves that !


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