Tuesday, May 24, 2005





相信大家曾经看过这篇语录吧 –

其实俩个不同性格的人聚在一起,磨擦肯定会有,所以忍让和体谅是一定不可获缺的。我感谢上帝让我有机会上这堂课,学习如何关心别人,如何站在别人的立场去看和处理事情,如何用心去面对自己犯下的错,还有如何用心去道歉。也多亏了他“插手”, 这件事才有个好的结局。



Friday, May 20, 2005




说的也是, 人在外工作, 每天要见好多人, 和好多人说话, 一定会有讨厌的人存在

为自己离开或留下, 不要为了别人. 不要为一个讨厌的人,而离开许多你喜欢的人




不过问了他说 : 其他的组员你也都讨厌吗?

学生 : 不会啊,都满喜欢的。

老师 : 那这个人,在你生命中重不重要?

那个学生答 : 重要个鬼啦!讨厌死他了!




每个人都很荒眇的认为 “全世界的每个人都应该喜欢我”



Tuesday, May 17, 2005









Friday, May 13, 2005


Had a bad dream this morning, woke up with a huge jerk, soaked in cold sweat, and praying loudly in tongues. Must been an awful fright to my mum and sister who were both getting ready to go off to work… hahahaa. The dream was so real and I was so scared that I did not dare to fall asleep after I woke up. I didn’t want to continue the dream. In the end I went to bathe at 6.30am this morning and came to office really early today (7.30am). Hahaa… not bad leh, no one in the office (we officially start work at 8.30am), and so I had the “freedom” to check my mails, clear a bit of my own stuffs before officially starting work.

Okie.. about my dream or rather nightmare…

I dreamt that I was face to face with a family, mother with 3 children, one around age 10 years old, the other 2 were around 3 and 1 year old… all 3 of them very cute and lovable and I enjoyed playing with them. (noticed that my dream didn’t cover the daddy in the family though.. funny isn’t it ?) The mummy is the typical housewife at home. Then suddenly one day as I visit this family, I noticed something a little bit weird. The 2 younger children who would usually be running around in the house were actually sound asleep. Then I noticed that the oldest daughter and the mummy had a funny look on their faces, and their faces seemed a little more “tanned” (dun ask me why its “tanned” cos I also dunno.. haha) than usual. Suddenly “something” (yeah, its “something”.. I also dunno what, but obviously scary, if not, I won’t be running like crazy !!) chased me… and my instinct was to run.. and boy did I run… apparently this family stay in a high-rise building and I had to run many many many winding staircases (that seem to have no end) till I reach the void deck of that block.

Funny thing is that there is actually a fun-fair or pasar-malam kind of sale going on at the void deck of that block and there was actually a policeman booth ! (since when do void decks pasar-malams have a policeman booth ??? hahaah.. ok, ok, I know I have illogical dreams, but since when were dreams logical ?). Anyway, I managed to catch my breathe and then convinced 1 policeman, and 1 policewoman to follow me up to that particular unit. Everything seemed normal in the unit, I was welcomed into the house by the mother (as if nothing happened just before), the mother told me that the oldest daughter was inside the room playing, so I signaled to the 2 police to follow me. We proceeded cautiously while the mother went to the kitchen to continue her house chores.

The oldest daughter was playing inside the room while the 2 younger children were still sleeping on a mattress in the same room. It was exactly the same as what I had seen just a while ago. Was I dreaming earlier ? Was I hallucinating ? Frankly speaking, I wasn’t really sure at this point of time. The 2 police talked to the oldest daughter for a while and everything seemed normal. Suddenly the daughter went into fits, writhing as if someone was strangling her and she had that “tanned look again. Her face was alternating between pain and tears and another with a devilish smile. I know the poor kid must be sobbing terribly inside cos of great fear. I screamed ! The 2 police were so taken aback by what happened that they immediately jumped and backed off. Somehow deep inside I knew what was happening… so I stretched my hand towards the girl and started praying loudly in tongues… I was scared too… but I know what I have to do… and what my Daddy in heaven can do for this family. Then I WOKE UP….

Conclusion : One stupid dream… no logic, seems vaguely similar to some horror shows I have watched before long long long ago… hahaha…

Daddy, I thank you that I will have blessed rest every night for the rest of my life. No more such nightmares Daddy. Thank you.


Monday, May 09, 2005

Updates ..

It’s been a long while since I last blog.. hahaha.. been lazy lar… but really nothing much to update for the moment.

Driving test coming.. a little anxious.. went circuit for the first time last Friday morning. Didn’t feel very “squashed / crammed” inside the circuit. Perhaps, there wasn’t that many cars in there that particular morning. Didn’t like the slope obstacle. Kind of easy to slip backward. Had really get the “feel” of the 1.5 release on my clutch while maintaining 2.5 at the accelerator portion. The rest such as the S-course, crank course, parallel and directional change parking were pretty ok. Thank God. Was rather relieved to be back on the main road after that one hour of circuit driving. Nonetheless, my trust is in Daddy God for my driving. Daddy knows best what I am weak at and need to work on. He knows my dreams. Daddy…. U know. :-)

Finally “graduated” from cam4 to cam2 in church. Was really anxious the first time I was on cam2 on my own as I was not confident at all. Thank God for a super patient and understanding video director that day plus lots of encouragements from my friends... though almost thru'out the whole service I was still shivering (not from cold, I guess its more from anxiousness and fear), thank God all went well for my “maiden” cam2 experience.. hahaha.. really praise God. Now I really need to brush up on the finer details such as my zooming in and out (according to the tempo of the worship songs), focus (clock and anti-clock) and being creative in giving new different shots/angles. Tiring (cos have to really concentrate) but challenging ! Hallelujah !

In the midst of looking for a new job. Yes, a change of job. Come to think of it, I’ve been with my present company for close to 5 years now. Great colleagues, and good environment to work in. But work wi